About Us

Our Beginnings

Blessings truly come in times of trials

AnnandaleFireflies began in 2011 after I was struck by lightning inside a metal roofed studio I was working in here in Virginia. I was really lucky to be alive, though quickly it became quite apparent the depth of nerve damage and the healing that I had ahead of me. Simple tasks became impossible, walking was difficult, I was averaging very little sleep at night, but most notably was the pain. It was an inescapable prison of suffering, everything just felt like an unbearable repeating story that is never going to end. I remember one day wanting to go outside, as I had not for quite some time. I remember the sunlight was a terrible piercing vibration, and the gentle breeze through my hair was like someone pulling me by my hair. It was just too much for me to take.

This alarmed me greatly as I had always been one to be outdoors rather than in. I just really wanted to be free again. Later that night I decided to try again. I remember everything was just so still, the cicadas were gently singing, my eyes could see without pain, but I wanted to see light. Stepping further in the lawn, I saw down in the woods through a path like a gentle whisper, starlight flickers cutting through the silhouette of the woods.

It was very difficult for me to walk down there, even though it was an easy path once upon a time ago. I just so desperately wanted to see something other than the right side wall from my bed. Eventually I made the 900 feet down from my door. There I was surrounded by what felt like millions of Fireflies. For the first time in months, that truly felt like decades; I could see creatures happy, busy, and without pain. Life was going on. I could see light for the first time in a very long time that I could bear, and they gave me that.

In life we are given exactly what we need when we need it, it just depends upon if we are listening or not.

To this day I still deal with the pain, some days are better than others, But it makes me excited to search for the blessings. Sometimes Life and blessings are like following a firefly. You see that glimpse of brilliant light, and you follow it to the next adventure, and you get to see that light again.

Much Love,


Firefly photo by Radim Schreiber

The Goal, The Desire

We believe design should not only be striking and beautiful, but comfortable as well. Jewelry is an intimate expression of ones self, and we feel it must be wearable in order to properly and lovingly adorn the wearer. In addition to this, passion must also speak through a work. A piece of Jewelry is like a small record of a performative action, therefore passion and emotion transfer and those fingerprints can be seen.
In an Elemental sense Light is the engine for everything. It is precious. A Sculptor does not merely create an item of what he or she sees, they meander and dance with the material until the light conveys their desire. The greatest realization in creation is the understanding of lights blessing and intangible quality to convey both form and color, and to humbly awe at the whole mystery of this untouchable force.
Annandale Fireflies

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