Makers Of fine Firefly Jewelry



Heritage Products

At the root, we are artisans who have a passion for nature. With many years of experience, we wish to provide you with quality products to remind you and stir your passion of these incredible magical creatures.

Our Promise


We search far and wide to source or even create the finest materials for your piece. Be it the brightest safest glow mediums on the market, or real Nickel-Free fine metals so you have years with your piece.

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Our Promise


We believe design should not only be striking and beautiful, but comfortable as well. Jewelry is an intimate expression of ones self, and we feel it must be wearable in order to properly and lovingly adorn the wearer.

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Our Promise


Each one of our pieces comes in a handmade envelope, and sealed in wax with the Maker's Crest. Your piece also comes with a Signed Certificate of Authenticity numbering and dating your piece to ensure it is not a counterfeit.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know below.
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Social Media

Follow us on Instagram @annandalefireflies